Monday, October 1, 2007

First Day of school

Well, today is Avarie's first day of "school". She has been saying "skoo yay!" all morning. I am curious to see how effective her communication will be with her teachers and classmates since she has kind of a secret code that she uses at home that we all understand most of the time. She doesnt like to put a consonant at the end of most words, thats why school became skoo.
For some reason, she associates the phrase "thank you" with "da-da". People often think she is talking about her Da-da when realistically she is being polite and using her manners. She will continue to say dada until someone acknowledges that she is saying it and replies "your welcome".

I guess I need to have a little chat with her teachers before I leave and inform them of some Avarie-isms. I also need to inform them that if anything happens to Avarie I'll kill 'em.

Of course, she hasnt been sick for months until today. Her nose is running like a faucet. I had to give the poor thing some benadryl this morning so hopefully it wont make her tired and cranky. They can call me to come pick her up if that happens.

We are all suffering from a ragweed overload. I have been feeling under the weather all weekend and my husband has been sick for about a week and a half. He is always the first one to get it. So when he starts getting sick it's like a dark cloud hovers over our house because I know we are all three going to get the curse of the sinus infection at any given time.

Until next time...

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